
Teachers for Graciela

  • Photo and quote from Cindy Z

    My name is Cindy Zucker and I am a retired CPS teacher and administrator who worked for 27 years in CPS schools.  I have worked in neighborhood schools, a magnet school, and a community schools. I am an active member of the Chicago Teachers Union and I wholeheartedly endorse Graciela Guzmán for Illinois Senator in the 20th District.

    I support Graciela because she has a vision to bring about fairness and equity to every public school in Chicago by providing resources that every school needs and every student deserves.

    — Cindy Z, Retired CPS Teacher

  • Noe's testimonial and picture

    As an educator and a neighborhood volunteer, I support Graciela because I’ve had the privilege of witnessing her core values in action as an organizer. She understands the power and dignity inherent in meeting people’s fundamental needs for food and healthcare. She envisions and enacts the world she wants to see where these needs will not be a luxury or an uncertainty, but a right. A champion like Graciela creates leaders all around her, and I can’t wait to see the power she will bring to our neighborhoods and our state.

    — Noe C, Kelvyn Park High School

  • Photo of alice next to her testimonial

    My name is Alice Costas and I am a teacher at Northside College Prep. I stand behind Graciela because I know that she is the only candidate who is going to focus on equity and resources for every single CPS student both in school and out of school. Between her track record in Springfield advocating for healthcare, housing and human rights, and resources, and work as a community organizer I know she cares about the whole child, including the schools that they attend. She is the only candidate endorsed by my union, and she’s our best shot at making sure every family in Chicago has a well-resourced school to send their children to and that each child receives the education they deserve.

    — Alice C, Northside College Prep

  • Christine's photo next to her testimony

    Graciela understands the way to lift up everyone, it’s making sure that all schools have tools and resources. She has been on the front lines of fighting for CPS families to get access to things they need during COVID, and through her healthcare advocacy. There is nobody I trust more to fight in Springfield for all of our schools to be fully funded.

    — Christine D, Ravenswood Elementary

  • Photo of Celeste beside her testimonial for Graciela

    Graciela has fought for the public good her entire adult life. She has never stopped fighting for the health, welfare, and workplace rights of working families in our city. I trust in her vision for the common good and I know she’s earned my vote.

    — Celeste R, Lane Tech

Parents for Graciela

  • Apoyo a Graciela Guzmán porque comprende la importancia de financiar completamente nuestras escuelas y garantizar que los estudiantes tengan las mismas oportunidades sin importar el código postal. Como empleado de CPS en una escuela en el lado oeste de Chicago, quiero asegurarme de que los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria Nobel tengan acceso a los mismos recursos que mi hijo tiene en Northside College Prep. ¡Graciela entiende que los estudiantes no deberían tener que dejar su vecindario y viajar por la ciudad para recibir una educación de calidad!

    — Yesenia P, Northside College Prep Mom

  • I’m a CPS mom with a 1st grader in our neighborhood school. Graciela is the only candidate running who has consistently showed up for CPS students like my son in the fight for thriving, fully funded, sustainable public schools. I trust her implicitly to advocate for him and every other cps student in Springfield.

    — Sarah-Jayne A, Palmer Elementary Parent

  • Graciela supports ALL children having access to education. As newcomers were arriving, she was out in the community helping enroll Children in school and ensured they have access to bilingual and special education services. As a CPS parent, I trust Graciela will lift up our community and schools so all our children can have the best educational opportunities.

    — Angelica D, Avondal Elementary Mom

  • As a CPS parent, I support Graciela because she is the only candidate with a proven track record of working with policy makers, teachers, and families to ensure that our kids have access to fully funded and supported public schools.and healthcare.

    — Tricia P, Avondale-Logandale Elementary Mom

  • Every student deserves to receive a quality education in the city of Chicago. Young people should not have to travel across the city every day for the programming they need. As a CPS graduate, former high school teacher, and now CPS parent, I know Graciela Guzman is the best candidate to bring equity to all students, regardless of race, ethnicity, economic status, or zip code.

    — Becky R, Jose de Diego Community Academy parent